
In this tutorial, we will explore the FitResultof zfit. Specifically, we will examine the error methods hesse and errors as well as attributes like info, valid etc. We will also provide an example with weighted data to demonstrate how FitResult works with weighted datasets.

We will start out by creating a simple gaussian model and sampling some data from it. We will then fit the data with the same model and explore the FitResult.

import numpy as np
import zfit
import zfit.z.numpy as znp
No module named 'nlopt'

obs = zfit.Space('x', limits=(0, 10))
mu = zfit.Parameter('mu', 5, 0, 10)
sigma = zfit.Parameter('sigma', 1, 0, 10)
nsig = zfit.Parameter('nsig', 1000, 0, 10000)
gauss_nonext = zfit.pdf.Gauss(obs=obs, mu=mu, sigma=sigma,
                       # extended=nsig  # requires zfit>=0.13
gauss = gauss_nonext.create_extended(nsig)

data = gauss.sample()
print(f"The sampled data (poisson fluctuated) has {data.nevents} events.")
The sampled data (poisson fluctuated) has 1012 events.

We use an extended likelihood to fit the data.

nll = zfit.loss.ExtendedUnbinnedNLL(model=gauss, data=data)
minimizer = zfit.minimize.Minuit()
result = minimizer.minimize(nll)

Simply printing the result will give you a beautified overview of the fit result.

<ExtendedUnbinnedNLL model=[<zfit.<class 'zfit.models.dist_tfp.Gauss'>  params=[mu, sigma]] data=[< object at 0x7f3e3b7fe0d0>] constraints=[]> 
<Minuit Minuit tol=0.001>

│  valid  │  converged  │  param at limit  │   edm   │   approx. fmin (full | internal) │
   │    True
     │      False
       │ 0.00019 │             -4552.30 |  10013.85 │
name      value  (rounded)    at limit
------  ------------------  ----------
nsig               1011.95       False
mu                 4.97012       False
sigma              1.00286       False

What happened#

First and foremost, the FitResult contains all the information about what happened with the minimization, most notably the loss that was minimized, the minimizer that was used and the params that were fitted (the latter has a beautified presentation).

loss: {result.loss}
minimizer: {result.minimizer}
params: {result.params}
loss: <ExtendedUnbinnedNLL model=[<zfit.<class 'zfit.models.dist_tfp.Gauss'>  params=[mu, sigma]] data=[< object at 0x7f3e3b7fe0d0>] constraints=[]>
minimizer: <Minuit Minuit tol=0.001>
params: name      value  (rounded)    at limit
------  ------------------  ----------
nsig               1011.95       False
mu                 4.97012       False
sigma              1.00286       False


params contains all the information of the parameters that was ever added to them. This includes the output of uncertainty methods, limits and much more. The actual content looks like this:

print(f"params raw: {repr(result.params)}")
params raw: {<zfit.Parameter 'nsig' floating=True value=1012>: {'value': 1011.9526037171547}, <zfit.Parameter 'mu' floating=True value=4.97>: {'value': 4.970118383893167}, <zfit.Parameter 'sigma' floating=True value=1.003>: {'value': 1.0028636045957877}}

The FitResult has a lot of attributes and methods. We will now explore some of them.

All the displayed information can be accessed via the attributes of the FitResult object, namely

  • valid: whether the fit converged and is in general valid

  • converged: whether the fit converged

  • param at limit: whether any parameter is at its limit (approximate, hard to estimate)

  • edm: estimated distance to minimum

  • fmin: the minimum of the function, i.e. the negative log likelihood

  • values: the parameter values at the minimum in an array-like object

valid: {result.valid}
converged: {result.converged}
param at limit: {result.params_at_limit}
edm: {result.edm}
fmin: {result.fmin}
optimal values: {result.values}
valid: True
converged: True
param at limit: False
edm: 0.00018857158894655183
fmin: 10013.849908064567
optimal values: [1011.9526037171547, 4.970118383893167, 1.0028636045957877]

Error methods#

There are two main ways to estimate the uncertainties: Either using a profiling method that varies the parameters one by one and finds the point of 1 sigma (or the specified n sigma), resulting in asymmetric errors, or using a matrix inversion method that calculates an approximation of the former by using a second derivative matrix.

The first method is called errors and the second hesse. Both methods are available in the FitResult object.

Pitfall weights#

For weighted likelihoods, the errors method will not report the correct uncertainties. Instead, hesse should be used as it will, by default, calculate the asymptotic correct approximations for weights as we will see a few lines below.


Both methods take some common arguments:

  • params: the parameters to calculate the errors for. If None, all parameters will be used. (this can be expensive!)

  • name: the name of the new result. If None, the name will be chosen automatically.

  • cl: the confidence level for the errors. The default is 0.68, which corresponds to 1 sigma.

  • method: the method to use. The default is None which will use the default method of the uncertainty estimator.

errors, new_result = result.errors(name="errors")
print(f"New result: {new_result}")
New result: None

<ExtendedUnbinnedNLL model=[<zfit.<class 'zfit.models.dist_tfp.Gauss'>  params=[mu, sigma]] data=[< object at 0x7f3e3b7fe0d0>] constraints=[]> 
<Minuit Minuit tol=0.001>

│  valid  │  converged  │  param at limit  │   edm   │   approx. fmin (full | internal) │
   │    True
     │      False
       │ 0.00019 │             -4552.30 |  10013.85 │
name      value  (rounded)               errors    at limit
------  ------------------  -------------------  ----------
nsig               1011.95  -     31   +     32       False
mu                 4.97012  -  0.032   +  0.032       False
sigma              1.00286  -  0.022   +  0.022       False

The uncertainties are added to the fit result. The new_result is usually None but in case a new minimum was found, it will be returned as the new result. In this case, the old result will be rendered invalid.

There are currently two implementations, the minos method from iminuit (as minuit_minos) and a completely independent implementation (zfit_errors).

More information#

To find more information about the uncertainty estimation, the return value can be inspected. This is though also automatically added to the result to each parameter. Looking again at the raw params attribute, we find that all the information is there:

Note: this part is still under WIP and future plans are to standardize these attributes as well. Any ideas or inputs are very welcome!

print(f"params raw: {repr(result.params)}")
params raw: {<zfit.Parameter 'nsig' floating=True value=1012>: {'value': 1011.9526037171547, 'errors': {'lower': -31.437944483211442, 'upper': 32.19968870092805, 'is_valid': True, 'upper_valid': True, 'lower_valid': True, 'at_lower_limit': False, 'at_upper_limit': False, 'nfcn': 48, 'original': <MError number=0 name='nsig' lower=-31.437944483211442 upper=32.19968870092805 is_valid=True lower_valid=True upper_valid=True at_lower_limit=False at_upper_limit=False at_lower_max_fcn=False at_upper_max_fcn=False lower_new_min=False upper_new_min=False nfcn=48 min=1011.9526037171547>, 'cl': 0.68268949}}, <zfit.Parameter 'mu' floating=True value=4.97>: {'value': 4.970118383893167, 'errors': {'lower': -0.03152537893488178, 'upper': 0.03152495424996048, 'is_valid': True, 'upper_valid': True, 'lower_valid': True, 'at_lower_limit': False, 'at_upper_limit': False, 'nfcn': 21, 'original': <MError number=1 name='mu' lower=-0.03152537893488178 upper=0.03152495424996048 is_valid=True lower_valid=True upper_valid=True at_lower_limit=False at_upper_limit=False at_lower_max_fcn=False at_upper_max_fcn=False lower_new_min=False upper_new_min=False nfcn=21 min=4.970118383893167>, 'cl': 0.68268949}}, <zfit.Parameter 'sigma' floating=True value=1.003>: {'value': 1.0028636045957877, 'errors': {'lower': -0.022313482823902428, 'upper': 0.022277975877127633, 'is_valid': True, 'upper_valid': True, 'lower_valid': True, 'at_lower_limit': False, 'at_upper_limit': False, 'nfcn': 20, 'original': <MError number=2 name='sigma' lower=-0.022313482823902428 upper=0.022277975877127633 is_valid=True lower_valid=True upper_valid=True at_lower_limit=False at_upper_limit=False at_lower_max_fcn=False at_upper_max_fcn=False lower_new_min=False upper_new_min=False nfcn=20 min=1.0028636045957877>, 'cl': 0.68268949}}}

errors2, _ = result.errors(name="zfit_unc", method="zfit_errors")
<ExtendedUnbinnedNLL model=[<zfit.<class 'zfit.models.dist_tfp.Gauss'>  params=[mu, sigma]] data=[< object at 0x7f3e3b7fe0d0>] constraints=[]> 
<Minuit Minuit tol=0.001>

│  valid  │  converged  │  param at limit  │   edm   │   approx. fmin (full | internal) │
   │    True
     │      False
       │ 0.00019 │             -4552.30 |  10013.85 │
name      value  (rounded)               errors             zfit_unc    at limit
------  ------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------
nsig               1011.95  -     31   +     32  -     31   +     32       False
mu                 4.97012  -  0.032   +  0.032  -  0.032   +  0.032       False
sigma              1.00286  -  0.022   +  0.022  -  0.022   +  0.022       False

As we see, they both agree well. We can also change the confidence level to 0.95, which corresponds to 2 sigma and recalculate the errors.

errors3, _ = result.errors(name="zfit_2sigma", method="zfit_errors", cl=0.95)
<ExtendedUnbinnedNLL model=[<zfit.<class 'zfit.models.dist_tfp.Gauss'>  params=[mu, sigma]] data=[< object at 0x7f3e3b7fe0d0>] constraints=[]> 
<Minuit Minuit tol=0.001>

│  valid  │  converged  │  param at limit  │   edm   │   approx. fmin (full | internal) │
   │    True
     │      False
       │ 0.00019 │             -4552.30 |  10013.85 │
name      value  (rounded)               errors             zfit_unc          zfit_2sigma    at limit
------  ------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------
nsig               1011.95  -     31   +     32  -     31   +     32  -     61   +     64       False
mu                 4.97012  -  0.032   +  0.032  -  0.032   +  0.032  -  0.062   +  0.062       False
sigma              1.00286  -  0.022   +  0.022  -  0.022   +  0.022  -  0.043   +  0.045       False


The hesse method approximates the errors by calculating the second derivative matrix of the function and inverting it. As for errors there are two implementations, one from iminuit (minuit_hesse) and one from zfit (hesse_np).

Additionally, the hesse has a third option, approx: this is the approximation of the hessian estimated by the minimizer during the minimization procedure. This however can be None! Also, the accuracy can be low, especially if the fit converged rapidly.

hesse = result.hesse(name="h minuit", method="minuit_hesse", cl=0.95)  # can also take the cl argument
hesse2 = result.hesse(name="h zfit", method="hesse_np")
hesse3 = result.hesse(name="h approx", method="approx")
<ExtendedUnbinnedNLL model=[<zfit.<class 'zfit.models.dist_tfp.Gauss'>  params=[mu, sigma]] data=[< object at 0x7f3e3b7fe0d0>] constraints=[]> 
<Minuit Minuit tol=0.001>

│  valid  │  converged  │  param at limit  │   edm   │   approx. fmin (full | internal) │
   │    True
     │      False
       │ 0.00019 │             -4552.30 |  10013.85 │
name      value  (rounded)               errors             zfit_unc          zfit_2sigma     h minuit       h zfit     h approx    at limit
------  ------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------
nsig               1011.95  -     31   +     32  -     31   +     32  -     61   +     64  +/-      62  +/-      32  +/-      32       False
mu                 4.97012  -  0.032   +  0.032  -  0.032   +  0.032  -  0.062   +  0.062  +/-   0.062  +/-   0.032  +/-   0.032       False
sigma              1.00286  -  0.022   +  0.022  -  0.022   +  0.022  -  0.043   +  0.045  +/-   0.044  +/-   0.022  +/-   0.022       False

Internally, zfit uses by default a numerical approximation of the hessian, which is usually sufficient and good for one-time use. However, if you want to use the hessian for multiple fits, it is recommended to force it to use the exact gradient provided by the backend. To make sure one or the other is used, you can set or

    hesse4 = result.hesse(name="h autograd", method="hesse_np")
<ExtendedUnbinnedNLL model=[<zfit.<class 'zfit.models.dist_tfp.Gauss'>  params=[mu, sigma]] data=[< object at 0x7f3e3b7fe0d0>] constraints=[]> 
<Minuit Minuit tol=0.001>

│  valid  │  converged  │  param at limit  │   edm   │   approx. fmin (full | internal) │
   │    True
     │      False
       │ 0.00019 │             -4552.30 |  10013.85 │
name      value  (rounded)               errors             zfit_unc          zfit_2sigma     h minuit       h zfit     h approx    h autograd    at limit
------  ------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ----------
nsig               1011.95  -     31   +     32  -     31   +     32  -     61   +     64  +/-      62  +/-      32  +/-      32   +/-      32       False
mu                 4.97012  -  0.032   +  0.032  -  0.032   +  0.032  -  0.062   +  0.062  +/-   0.062  +/-   0.032  +/-   0.032   +/-   0.032       False
sigma              1.00286  -  0.022   +  0.022  -  0.022   +  0.022  -  0.043   +  0.045  +/-   0.044  +/-   0.022  +/-   0.022   +/-   0.022       False

Weighted uncertainties#

A weighted likelihood is technically not a likelihood anymore and the errors are not calculated correctly. However, the hesse method can be corrected for weights, which is done automatically as soon as the dataset is weighted.

The method used is the asymptotically correct yet computationally expensive method described in Parameter uncertainties in weighted unbinned maximum likelihood fits.

The computation involves the jacobian of each event that can be expensive to compute. Again, zfit offers the possibility to use the autograd or the numerical jacobian.

weighted_data = zfit.Data.from_tensor(obs=obs, tensor=data.value(), weights=znp.random.uniform(0.1, 5, size=(data.nevents,)))
weighted_nll = zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL(model=gauss_nonext, data=weighted_data)
weighted_result = minimizer.minimize(weighted_nll)
({<zfit.Parameter 'mu' floating=True value=4.955>: {'lower': -0.019307122378374727,
   'upper': 0.01930673754242804,
   'is_valid': True,
   'upper_valid': True,
   'lower_valid': True,
   'at_lower_limit': False,
   'at_upper_limit': False,
   'nfcn': 12,
   'original': ┌──────────┬───────────────────────┐
│          │          mu           │
│  Error   │  -0.019   │   0.019   │
│  Valid   │   True    │   True    │
│ At Limit │   False   │   False   │
│ Max FCN  │   False   │   False   │
│ New Min  │   False   │   False   │
   'cl': 0.68268949},
  <zfit.Parameter 'sigma' floating=True value=0.9878>: {'lower': -0.013201734345151865,
   'upper': 0.014104869876548614,
   'is_valid': True,
   'upper_valid': True,
   'lower_valid': True,
   'at_lower_limit': False,
   'at_upper_limit': False,
   'nfcn': 24,
   'original': ┌──────────┬───────────────────────┐
│          │         sigma         │
│  Error   │  -0.013   │   0.014   │
│  Valid   │   True    │   True    │
│ At Limit │   False   │   False   │
│ Max FCN  │   False   │   False   │
│ New Min  │   False   │   False   │
   'cl': 0.68268949}},
    weighted_result.hesse(name="hesse autograd")
    weighted_result.hesse(name="hesse autograd np", method="hesse_np")
    weighted_result.hesse(name="hesse numeric")
    weighted_result.hesse(name="hesse numeric np", method="hesse_np")
print(weighted_result)  # FIXME: the errors are not correct for the nsig
<UnbinnedNLL model=[<zfit.<class 'zfit.models.dist_tfp.Gauss'>  params=[mu, sigma]] data=[< object at 0x7f3e3b08df50>] constraints=[]> 
<Minuit Minuit tol=0.001>

│  valid  │  converged  │  param at limit  │   edm   │   approx. fmin (full | internal) │
   │    True
     │      False
       │ 0.00023 │              3687.65 |  9999.151 │
name      value  (rounded)               errors    hesse autograd    hesse autograd np    hesse numeric    hesse numeric np    at limit
------  ------------------  -------------------  ----------------  -------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
mu                 4.95549  -  0.019   +  0.019       +/-   0.035          +/-   0.035      +/-   0.035         +/-   0.035       False
sigma             0.987808  -  0.013   +  0.014       +/-   0.025          +/-   0.025      +/-   0.025         +/-   0.025       False

As we can see, the errors are underestimated for the nuisance parameters using the minos method while the hesse method is correct.

Standardized minimizer information#

Some of the minimizers collect information about the loss during the minimization process, such as an approximation of the hessian, inverse hessian, gradient etc. They can be retrieved via approx, note however that they can be None.

hessian and inv_hessian have an invert argument: if True and only one of the two is available, the other one will be inverted to obtain the request.

print(f"Approx gradient: {result.approx.gradient()}")  # gradient approx not available in iminuit
print(f"Approx hessian (no invert): {result.approx.hessian(invert=False)}")  # hessian approximation is also not available
print(f"Approx inverse hessian: {result.approx.inv_hessian(invert=False)}")  # inv_hessian is available
print(f"Approx hessian (can invert): {result.approx.hessian(invert=True)}")  # allowing the invert now inverts the inv_hessian
Approx gradient: None

Approx hessian (no invert): None

Approx inverse hessian: [[ 1.01192592e+03 -3.85217416e-10 -2.73364562e-10]
 [-3.85217416e-10  9.93828033e-04  1.07030459e-06]
 [-2.73364562e-10  1.07030459e-06  4.97554918e-04]]

Approx hessian (can invert): [[ 9.88214635e-04  3.82457773e-10  5.42118076e-10]
 [ 3.82457773e-10  1.00621263e+03 -2.16449272e+00]
 [ 5.42118076e-10 -2.16449272e+00  2.00983305e+03]]


The information returned by the minimizer. CAREFUL! This is a dictionary and can be different for different minimizers. The standardized keys can always be accessed in other ways, such as the approximations of the hessian, the covariance matrix etc.
dict_keys(['n_eval', 'minuit', 'original', 'inv_hessian'])

This can be helpful if underlying information from a specific minimizer should be retrieved. For example, the original key contains the original result from the minimizer while “minuit” is the actual iminuit minimizer that was used."original", f"Not available for the minimizer: {result.minimizer}")
FCN = 1.001e+04 Nfcn = 125
EDM = 0.000189 (Goal: 0.001)
Valid Minimum Below EDM threshold (goal x 10)
No parameters at limit Below call limit
Hesse ok Covariance accurate"minuit", "Not available, not iminuit used in minimization?")
FCN = 1.001e+04 Nfcn = 141
EDM = 0.000189 (Goal: 0.001) time = 0.1 sec
Valid Minimum Below EDM threshold (goal x 10)
No parameters at limit Below call limit
Hesse ok Covariance accurate
Name Value Hesse Error Minos Error- Minos Error+ Limit- Limit+ Fixed
0 nsig 1.012e3 0.032e3 -0.031e3 0.032e3 0 1E+04
1 mu 4.970 0.032 -0.032 0.032 0 10
2 sigma 1.003 0.022 -0.022 0.022 0 10
nsig mu sigma
Error -31 32 -0.032 0.032 -0.022 0.022
Valid True True True True True True
At Limit False False False False False False
Max FCN False False False False False False
New Min False False False False False False
nsig mu sigma
nsig 1.01e+03 0 0
mu 0 0.000994 0
sigma 0 0 0.000498

Finding problems#

If the fit failed for some reason, valid may be False. To find the actual reason, message should be human-readable information about what went wrong. If everything went well, the message will be empty
