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from IPython import get_ipython

install_packages = "google.colab" in str(get_ipython())
if install_packages:
    !pip install zfit


In this quick tutorial, we’ll show the basic ideas on what you can do with zfit, without going into much detail or performing advanced tasks.

import numpy as np
import zfit
import zfit.z.numpy  # numpy-like backend
from zfit import z  # backend

Create observables#

The observable space in which PDFs are defined is created with the Space class

obs = zfit.Space('x', -10, 10)

Create data#

We create some unbinned data using numpy. Other constructors, e.g. for ROOT files are also available.

mu_true = 0
sigma_true = 1

data_np = np.random.normal(mu_true, sigma_true, size=10000)
data = zfit.data.Data.from_numpy(obs=obs, array=data_np)

Create a PDF to fit#

Let’s create a Gaussian PDF so we can fit the dataset. To do this, first we create the fit parameters, which follow a convention similar to RooFit:

zfit.Parameter(name, initial_value, lower_limit (optional), upper_limit (optional), other options)
mu = zfit.Parameter("mu", 2.4, -1., 5., step_size=0.001)  # step_size is not mandatory but can be helpful
sigma = zfit.Parameter("sigma", 1.3, 0, 5., step_size=0.001)  # it should be around the estimated uncertainty

Now we instantiate a Gaussian from the zfit PDF library (more on how to create your own PDFs later)

gauss = zfit.pdf.Gauss(obs=obs, mu=mu, sigma=sigma)

This pdf contains several useful methods, such as calculating a probability, calculating its integral, sampling etc.

# Let's get some probabilities.
consts = [-1, 0, 1]
probs = gauss.pdf(consts)
print(f"x values: {consts}\nresult:   {probs}")
x values: [-1, 0, 1]
result:   [0.01003756 0.05582995 0.17184121]


To fit, we need to take three steps: create the negative \(\log\mathcal{L}\), instantiate a minimizer and then minimize the likelihood.

# Create the negative log likelihood

nll = zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL(model=gauss, data=data)  # loss

# Load and instantiate a minimizer
minimizer = zfit.minimize.Minuit()
minimum = minimizer.minimize(loss=nll)

params = minimum.params

<UnbinnedNLL model=[<zfit.<class 'zfit.models.dist_tfp.Gauss'>  params=[mu, sigma]] data=[<zfit.Data: Data obs=('x',) shape=(10000, 1)>] constraints=[]> 
<Minuit Minuit tol=0.001>

│  valid  │  converged  │  param at limit  │   edm   │   approx. fmin (full | opt.) │
   │    True
     │      False
       │ 2.3e-08 │         14173.45 | -7798.808 │
name      value  (rounded)    at limit
------  ------------------  ----------
mu              -0.0118439       False
sigma             0.998407       False

And we can plot the result to see how it went.

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

n_bins = 50
range_ = (-5,5)
_ = plt.hist(data_np, bins=n_bins, range=range_)
x = np.linspace(*range_, num=1000)
probs = gauss.pdf(x)
_ = plt.plot(x, data_np.shape[0] / n_bins * (range_[1] - range_[0]) * probs)

The FitResult that we obtained contains information about the minimization and can now be used to calculate the errors

print(f"Function minimum: {minimum.fmin}", minimum.fmin)
print(f"Converged: {minimum.converged} and valid: {minimum.valid}", )
Function minimum: 14173.445052032448

Converged: True and valid: True

<UnbinnedNLL model=[<zfit.<class 'zfit.models.dist_tfp.Gauss'>  params=[mu, sigma]] data=[<zfit.Data: Data obs=('x',) shape=(10000, 1)>] constraints=[]> 
<Minuit Minuit tol=0.001>

│  valid  │  converged  │  param at limit  │   edm   │   approx. fmin (full | opt.) │
   │    True
     │      False
       │ 2.3e-08 │         14173.45 | -7798.808 │
name      value  (rounded)    at limit
------  ------------------  ----------
mu              -0.0118439       False
sigma             0.998407       False

hesse_errors = minimum.hesse()
<UnbinnedNLL model=[<zfit.<class 'zfit.models.dist_tfp.Gauss'>  params=[mu, sigma]] data=[<zfit.Data: Data obs=('x',) shape=(10000, 1)>] constraints=[]> 
<Minuit Minuit tol=0.001>

│  valid  │  converged  │  param at limit  │   edm   │   approx. fmin (full | opt.) │
   │    True
     │      False
       │ 2.3e-08 │         14173.45 | -7798.808 │
name      value  (rounded)        hesse    at limit
------  ------------------  -----------  ----------
mu              -0.0118439  +/-    0.01       False
sigma             0.998407  +/-  0.0071       False